If I am found dead it was probably my wife

In the last couple of days I bought some seeds that my wife threatened me with death if I ever bought them. So I am I found randomly dead it was probably her.

The seeds in question are from the Corpse Flower (Amorphophallus titanum) In case you know nothing about it the brief is that is flowers every 7 to 12 years with a flower that grows to around 3 metres and smells like rotting flesh.

I have been eyeing of these seeds for a while however at a price of $75 I have been putting it off. That is until I checked and the price had dropped to $50 for 3. Flush with birthday money I ordered them as well as its little sister a Voodoo Lilly bulb (Amorphophallus konjac) which I will disuses in another post and a bat flower.

This weekend I had the chance to start germinating one of the seeds. I have kept the other 2 as I am not confident this will work or that the weather is quiet warm enough yet. Below is what I did.

In advanced sorry about the image quality the sun wasn’t playing nice.

The seeds themselves

First layer was a mix of orchid mix and left over perlite from our pizza oven.

Next the seed was placed in sphagnum moss. I probably need more but this was all I had left.

Cling wrap was then placed over the top and kept in place with a rubber band. After this I placed it on the water heater in the garage.

It will take a couple of weeks to germinate. I will provide an update either way in a couple of weeks time.


UPDATE: 14/08/2017 – False Hope

The other day I checked on the seed and it looked like it had germinated. After digging into the moss I found that it was just something that has sprouted out of it. Although it looks like a root has started to form.

I really shouldn’t be disturbing the seed but couldn’t help myself.


UPDATE: 7/11/2017 – Looking Good

It has been a while since my last update but the first seed has germinated and is looking good. The other 2 seeds I placed in coconut coir instead of sphagnum moss and it doesn’t look so good for them but I will give them more time.

This is how it looked on the 30/09/2017

This is how it looks on the 7/11/2017